Use of disposable gloves

In some cases, effective handwashing alone may not be enough, in which case it is recommended to wear gloves.
The use of disposable gloves and hand washing can be an effective barrier to the further spread of microorganisms.

Using disposable gloves:

  • Hands are washed before putting on disposable gloves.
  • Gloves of the appropriate size must be used.
  • Gloves must be changed after each individual operation, e.g. in the food industry: after handling raw materials and before handling food intended for human consumption, in the beauty industry: after any possible direct contact of the skin of the hands with blood and/or body fluids , mucous membranes, unhealthy skin;
  • Washing and reusing gloves is not recommended.
  • Discard torn or damaged gloves.
  • Before putting gloves on your hands, you need to cover the existing wounds with a waterproof plaster (bright in the food industry).
  • Reusable gloves that are puncture and chemical resistant (if used) are used when handling contaminated objects and surfaces.
  • When touching environmental objects, equipment (telephone, computer), gloves should be removed, and when continuing the work begun, put on new gloves.

The use of gloves does not replace hand hygiene.

Gloves should be worn:

  • with direct contact of the skin of the hands with blood and / or biological fluids, mucous membranes, unhealthy skin;
  • during invasive medical procedures;
  • work directly with food, touch or handle contaminated objects and surfaces.

Vienkartinės pirštinės, kokias pasirinkti ?

Prieš pasirinkdami pirštines atsakykite į kelis klausymus:

  • kokios kokybės ir kokio tipo pirštinių reikia ?
  • koks apsaugos lygis reikalingas ?
  • ar esate alergiškas lateksui ar kitoms sudedamosioms medžiagoms?

Disposable gloves, which one to choose?

Before choosing gloves, answer a few questions:

  • What quality and what type of gloves do you need?
  • What level of protection is required?
  • Are you allergic to latex or other ingredients?

Vinyl gloves

Applications and properties of the VINYL glove:

  • Daily cleaning work where there is no contact with aggressive chemicals;
  • Washing dishes, dyeing hair;
  • Food Processing;
  • Not suitable for breastfeeding, contact with blood or other body fluids;
  • Easily torn, easily pierced;
  • An economical and good choice where a low level of protection is required.

Latex gloves

Fields of application and properties of LATEX gloves:

  • mainly used in medicine, veterinary clinics;
  • medicine, stomatology, patient care, suitable for contact with blood or other biological liquids;
  • cleaning works;
  • processing of food products;
  • elastichnyj, especially well placed in the hand, comfortable;
  • may cause an allergic reaction in people with a latex allergy;
    high level of protection and comfort

Nitrile gloves

Applications and properties of NITRILE gloves:

  • used in various fields of activity from a car service to a hospital;
  • nursing, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine;
  • special cleaning works, auto repair;
  • in beauty and tattoo parlors;
  • food processing;
  • sensitive hand, comfort, fits well in the hand, but not as elastic as latex;
  • suitable for use at high temperatures, special resistance;
  • made of synthetic rubber, does not cause allergies in people allergic to latex;
  • especially resistant to punctures, tears, high temperatures;
  • resistance to various chemicals and oil products;
  • gloves are more expensive than vinyl or latex, but it pays off;
  • a good choice where medium to high levels of protection, high quality are required.